Untitled Substitute at ASPN, Leipzig
Noch Nicht at Q-Box, Athens, Greece
Solo For One at Bar Babette, Berlin
Last Dance at KINDL, Berlin
Moves at ITALIC, Berlin
Devices To Enter A Space, kjubh, Cologne
The Clockwerk for The Performance Agency, Paris Internationale
WHO AM I at Mélange, Cologne
Index, Berlin
REIN UND RAUSLAND at Espace Sauvage, Düsseldorf
Feeling the Room Temperature at Setareh, Berlin
MOVES, Imagemovement hosted by ITALIC, Berlin
Last Dance, Autocenter guest at KINDL Zentrum für Zeitgenössische Kunst, Berlin, Germany
A Fist of Pure Emotion, Crone Side, Berlin, Germany
Device to enter the Space, kjubh Kunstverein, Cologne, Germany
Jahresgabenausstellung, Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne, Germany
ERROR O (feat. Andreas Reihse und Marcus Steinweg), Solo for One, Bar Babette, Berlin, Germany
Fold, ASPN Gallery, Leipzig, Germany, with Matthias Reinmut
Noch Nicht, Q-Box Gallery, Athens, Greece
Untitled (substitute), ASPN Gallery, Leipzig, Germany
Festival Studi Milano, Italy
La Gorgiera Del Tempo, MAC Musei d'Arte Contemporanea, Lissone, Italy
The Vacancy, Galerie Crone, Berlin, Germany
Tipo I, MD Cologne, Cologne, Germany
Bobbi, A+B Contemporary Art, Brescia, Italy
20 Jahre Kunstgruppe Cologne, Germany
L’Avventura — die mit der Liebe spielen, Palazzo Guaneri delle Cossere, Brescia, Italy
Ifinito, Maschinenhaus Essen, Germany
O, Natalia Hug Gallery, Cologne, Germany
Jahresgabenausstellung, Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne, Germany
The End, Q-Box Gallery, Athens, Greece
Drunken Sailor, Jagla Ausstellungsraum, Cologne, Germany
Maison de Plaisance/Jardins des Plaisirs, Museum Morsbroich, Leverkusen, Germany
Uncanny Home, Corridor/Gangurinn, Reykjavik, Iceland
Breaking News-Fukushima and the Consequences, KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin, Germany
#38, Bar Ornella, Cologne, Germany
Folkwang Video IV, Folkwang Museum, Essen, Germany
Schweigen, OLG, Cologne, Germany
Poème/Image, Kunsthaus Schloß Wendlinghausen, Germany
Paradiese, Schnittraum, Köln and Neue Kunst Galerie, Mannheim, Germany
Movements, Montevideo, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Untitled Substitute at ASPN, Leipzig 2016
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